Version History
v5.5.1 -
Added an option to set the critical section at the face of support.
Fixed an issue where sections of the report could be cut off in the PDF when printing.
Fixed a bug where the "All Stems the Same" option would toggle itself back on in riser design.
Fixed an error that occurred when printing performance summaries with colored graphs.
Fixed a mismatch between debonded strand inputs and the design summary.
Added an option for users to modify the self-weight multiplier during the transfer stage.
Fixed an issue where negative Mcr values in service loads were not calculated correctly.
v5.5.0 -
The draping input process is now more intuitive, allowing users to specify draping methods using Fork, Tree, or Manual options. Additionally, hold-down force is now reported for draping. For more information, refer to the Draping Input section in the knowledge base.
Updated Nuc value for bearing and dapped ends. The Nuc value for bearing and dapped end configurations now aligns with ACI 318-19 Provision Users can choose to check the Nuc value as 'not on bearing pads' or 'on bearing pads'.
Fixed an issue where conflicts between dapped ends and strands would cause the program to crash.
Camber results for the stripping, handling, and erection phases have been removed from the design summary.
Transverse reinforcement (stirrups) now display correctly in the Reinforcement section and on the Design Summary page.
v5.4.3 -
Fixed an issue with adding openings to the beam design file.
v5.4.2 -
Fixed an issue where the Weight of Participants input would reset for vibration check.
Added the total beam weight display at the top of the handling input section.
v5.4.1 -
Resolved an issue where the critical flexure case might not be included in the report.
Fixed a bug causing 'distributed loads' option to affect area load results when they shouldn't.
Addressed an issue where the critical Mu value might not appear on the design summary page.
Added an option to input additional result points in feet and inches format.
Introduced a new input scheme for riser sections.
Enhanced the program’s ability to notify users when a newer version is available.
v5.4.0 -
Fixed the "Ignore left/right cantilever loading" option now reports results correctly.
Resolved an issue in vibration design where the total weight was incorrectly reported.
Corrected an issue of required steel using the Zia-Hsu method.
Updated PCI losses now account for elastic gains due to superimposed dead loads.
Fixed a bug that prevented the summary graph from displaying correctly when printed to PDF.
v5.3.2 -
Resolved an issue where user-defined additional output points were not appearing in the results table.
Fixed a bug that caused the geometry limit to be reported incorrectly.
v5.3.1 -
Added the option to use Stress Relieved strands.
Corrected an issue where incorrect moment was reported under detailed flexure capacity.
Fixed a bug in the calculation of the neutral axis depth for asymmetric members, which was previously computed too low.
Resolved a crash caused by fixed ends analysis.
Addressed a problem where the Acr value was reported incorrectly.
Fixed the fillet and chamfer input issue.
Corrected an issue where shear fy was set to 0 if transverse reinforcement existed at a location but was not used for shear.
Added color to more demand capacity ratio graphs.
v5.3.0 -
Fixed an issue where the torsion design controlling case was not reported correctly when shear reinforcement input was not provided.
Fixed an issue where the ‘XXY’ value under the Zia-Hsu method was not saved correctly.
Fixed an issue where ‘Vc’ value was not reported correctly for Hollow Core or Polygon sections.
Fixed an issue where the ‘Al min’ value was not calculated correctly per ACI The value ‘At/s’ is now back-calculated from ACI
Fixed multiple T-slab input geometry and printing errors.
Fixed an issue causing deflection to be reported as ‘0’.
Fixed an issue with the torsion design check where the ACI method did not correctly consider ACI
v5.2.2 -
Fixed an issue where incorrect Astt value was reported in irregular-shaped beam design.
Made change to prevent potential program crashes triggered by using summary selectors in the output.
Fixed a bug preventing Default Start Up files from opening with double-clicking.
Fixed an issue where extra torsion / shear table rows were being added.
v5.2.1 -
Updated issue where lateral reactions were zero.
Added in shear keys for hollow core slabs.
Fixed issue where combined shear and torsion could pick the wrong load combination to display as the worst was when an interaction combination (not maximum shear nor torsion) controlled.
v5.2.0 -
Added effective deflection multiplier to the deflection output tables
The first column of the deflection table now shows the deflection multiplier for all load cases. These will be updated to account for anything that could change them (like mild reinforcement).
Fixed issue for deflection where sustained live load was not using creep multipliers
Editorial changes to the report
Fixed issue with ‘cb’ computation where development lengths would be larger than expected if cover controlled
Updated 1.2Mcr check for biaxially members to use biaxial flexure capacity instead of only strong axis
Fixed multiple printing issues
v5.1.2 -
Fixed issue where lifting with 4 pick points was not working correctly
Prestressing force was being displayed as 0 in tables
Mcr no longer displays as 0 in ACI 318-19
Fixed issue with graph shading
Fixed input/output issues
v5.1.1 -
Fixed issue which could cause trapezoidal loads to be applied as uniform
v5.1.0 -
Mild deflection routine changed so that the additional deflections due creep and shrinkage do not use the section properties from non-sustained loads
v5.0.5 -
Option to ignore shear within critical distance functioning again
Added more rows to tables when errors exist
Fixed issue with hollowcore slab using the wrong void shape
v5.0.4 -
Fix issue where the program may crash when using a dap
Remove AUS Compression Block
Fixed issue where shear could report NaN for Vs values
Stability improvements
Printing fixes
Load descriptions now show up in the load summary again
Fixed error which was causing lambda to be included in Class C and Class T limits
Fixed issue where live load patterning without live loads were causing load combinations with live load to be skipped
v5.0.3 -
Further fix to bug preventing some input tab tables from printing
v5.0.2 -
Fixed a bug preventing the structural model input tab tables from printing
v5.0.1 -
Added option for Bulb DTs to modify which section is considered for shear
Improvement to T-Slab
Load patterning fixed for members with cantilevers
Minimum prestress now displayed on performance summary again
Fixed issue where lateral loads were being applied when told not to
Fixed issue with elasticity multiplier rejecting decimals
Fixed false errors for shear
Stability improvements
v5.0.0 -
ACI 318-19
The user can now specify if design should follow ACI 318-14 or ACI 318-19 on the Design Criteria tab under Specification.
This option changes many calculations. To summarize the changes in more detail, see the page ACI 318-19 Changes.
New analysis option for confinement factors for mild development length of bars with hooked or headed ends.
This option behave slightly differently depending on if ACI 318-14 or ACI 318-19 are being used. More information can be found on the documentation for the option.
New load pattern selector
New options can be found throughout the Analysis Report which can be used to specify which load combination / load pattern should be used for the corresponding output.
These options allow the user to use the worst case or specify the following:
Load Combination
Live Load Case
Wind Load Case
Seismic Case
Location on Beam (when applicable)
The options can be found on at the following sections throughout the output:
Strength Results
Service Results
Detailed Flexure
Horizontal Shear
Camber and Deflection
Report Optimizations
The time required to refresh the output has been drastically reduced. This should result in a faster analysis time and make the output more smooth when navigating.
Torsion Output
Torsion tables have been reworked for all three torsion methods. This should make it easier to determine where transverse reinforcement is required for non-symmetric torsion methods (like slender spandrel).
A new section has been added below the Shear and Torsion table called "Plate Bending at Supports"
This section is only active if Zia-Hsu or Slender Spandrel are being used for the torsion methodology. This section shows the requirements of the plate bending at the centerline of supports separately from the general torsion check. This is because these computations, as defined in the PCI Design Handbook, result in a minimum amount of transverse reinforcement being required within a set distance. Previously we just divided this requirement by the zone length, but this can be conservative and make it hard to optimize the transverse reinforcement design.
Detailed flexure summary now displays the 'd' computation for tension bars, compression bars, and prestressed reinforcement.
Shear steel requirement graph now includes Av minimum when required.
Miscellaneous improvements and fixes
v4.17.8 -
Updates to start up files
Live load regain no longer is considered for creep when using the time dependent loss procedure
Sustained shear on bearing summary corrected to account for shored loading
Fixed issue where horizontal shear could select a non-controlling case for sections that did not require reinforcement when the surface was intentionally roughened.
v4.17.6 -
Fixed issue where the user could distribute super-imposed area loads for hollow-core members.
v4.17.5 -
Fixed issue where a beam could crack under positive moment as if it had negative moment.
Fix horizontal shear crash.
Cracked composite section under negative moment now assumes the topping will crack completely.
v4.17.4 -
Fixed issue with shear near ends reporting 0 capacity.
Fixed issue with flexure reporting 99 utilization when demand was 0.
Corrected drawings for stirrups on the summary sketch.
Fixed issue where Aps was being report incorrectly on reinforcement input.
v4.17.3 -
Tweak internal tolerances to fix convergence issues.
Improve performance for cracking algorithm.
v4.17.0 -
‘cb’ term in the mild development length equation had a conservative error. This was using clear covers and spacings when it should have been using center distances. This was increasing development lengths.
Fixed crash when moving results to new window.
Fixed issue with beam not converging.
CGy on the reinforcement tab now takes the percent pull into account.
Fixed issue with horizontal shear stress for members with openings. Av minimum was being increased for these cases.
Fixed IO issue for C bars with a single leg where the legs would reset to 2.
v4.16.5 -
Printing Fixes.
Fixed for Dnc not updating on the performance summary in the reaction summary.
General UI fixes.
v4.16.1 -
Deflection changes:
Fixed incorrect area term when computing Rho
Now correctly compute the value at midspan or at supports (not an average)
Now use this as an 'additional' deflection instead of a deflection multiplier
Added option to use section properties at the support for deflections
Fix error in vibration analysis where the max length was using the wrong moment of inertia.
Added neutral axis depth to initial stage stress tables.
Daps, for thin webbed members, now limit Vc within 2H of the end. When this happens, Vc is reduced and a new Vs required is computed.
Added in an option for the minimum allowable steel strain for mildly reinforced beams
Section Property changes:
Fixed issue when computing Icr which resulted in steel contained in the crack to be undervalued.
Fixed issue when transforming section properties where steel placed in the topping would be transformed in the precast.
Added shoring options
Structural model tab now has inputs for shoring including: None, Touch, and Elevated. Tab also contains options for where the member is shored.
Load case results and deflection output modified for shored loads.
More information can be found in the documentation
Mesh callouts updated to follow PCI recommendations
Fixed issue where start up screen would crash when changing directories
Fixed issue where old files would be corrupted upon saving
Critical section for ledges now placed at height of the ledge over two instead of at height of the ledge
Fixed issue where plain bearing was giving the wrong load combination as controlling. This was an isolated issue.
v4.15.0 -
New Features / Improvements
When computing the location of the critical section for ledged member, an option was added which controls whether h is the height of the member of the height of the ledge.
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue causing the principal axis to be negative in the output.
v4.14.0 -
New Features / Improvements
Solid zones can not define their own concrete strength
Improved labels for totals on deflection summary
Modified the way points in tables are added so point loads should show up automatically
All cross sections now drawn to scale
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues with a few graphs and figures
Custom rebar sizes should now work again
v4.12.1 -
New Features / Improvements
Shear table now gives source of 'd' value in bd calculation
Printing improvements
Added explanatory notes to UI to reduce confusion on inputs and outputs
Bug Fixes
Fix for bearing summary selecting wrong load combination (isolated issue)
UI Improvements
v4.12.0 -
New Features / Improvements
Help → Tech support goes to new website
Improvements for zooming
Added explanatory notes to UI to reduce confusion on inputs and outputs
Bug Fixes
Multi UI crash fixes
v4.11.9 -
Bug Fixes
Fix design summary showing quantities twice for rebar
Fix for torsion to use longitudinal fy and transverse fy for Al / Ay respectively.
Corrected previous update making mild reinforcement reduction for deflection multipliers no longer work.
v4.11.8 -
New Features / Improvements
Mild reinforcement now correctly reduces deflection multipliers for construction when told to do so
ecu now only displayed for flexure when stress-strain integration is used
Bug Fixes
Fixed loading summary displaying wrong values for topping’s with non-constant thicknesses
Fixed slender spandrel bug using wrong h if ledge is included
Fixes for printing
v4.11.1 -
New Features / Improvements
Updated printing routines to be more stable and use less memory
Updated online documentation
Horizontal shear changes
Now has option to use mu effective or not
Now shear friction is always checked is above the 80 psi limit
Option to use VQ/Ib of V/bd for horizontal shear stress
Option to use all loading or just composite load
Can now ignore load combinations containing wind and seismic when checking deflections
Added summary of reinforcement at the given section to the reinforcement summary
Added service level bearing to the bearing summary
Added two more options for Dap designs. Now has load input and hanger cover
Added Tu to performance summary
Bug Fixes
Fix performance summary using absolute values for deflections
Stability improvements
v4.10.0 -
New Features / Improvements
Output now contains a load case results table
Added strand pull, as a force, to the output
Add option for members supporting nonstructural elements
Added stiffness multiplier for deflections
Added option to use ACI or PCI recommendations for allowable bar stress for top tension steel
Bug Fixes
Stability Improvements
Fix issue using roof loads as live loads where they wouldn’t be counted towards sustained loading
Fix issue where the wrong table locations were being added in
Fix issue in graphs
Fix issue where Av provided was being shown as 0
v4.9.1 -
New Features / Improvements
Option to not check shear / torsion within critical distance. Checking this option will remove all locations from centerline location and critical distance from output.
Transverse steel now has user select which face the reinforcement is for. Previously it would put all reinforcement with a single leg on the interior face. Now the user selected what face the steel is for. Selecting both faces will put half on each face.
Can now add rows to tables if a design deficiency is present at that location. This option can be found under File → Result Points.
Construction stage for deflections now shows the deflections due to wet topping weight. This deflection does not include any long term creep effects.
Prestress losses on performance summary are now midspan losses instead of maximum.
The user can now selected the end zone length for the transfer stage. This option is found under Design Criteria → Transfer → End Zone Length
Bug Fixes
Multiple issues fixed with printing.
Fixed conservative issue with shear near the supports.
Tension graph now correctly graphs the selected load combination, not the controlling.
Fix intermittent issue resulting in topping load being cleared if it didn’t start at 0.
Fix crash when used draped strands.
Fix issue where the ‘Compute Topping Profile’ feature would crash.
Fix incorrect losses table when using user defined losses.
Help → Technical support should now work again.
v4.8.0 -
Load summary added to analysis report. This section summarizes all applied loads and all load.
Distributed load grid split into area and line load grids.
Added the torsion stress limits to the torsion tables.
Added plain concrete strength back for both flexure and shear as a minimum strength.
Topping stresses are now transformed.
Sustained compression tables will now always be visible.
Fix tables not being highlighted.
Combine summary and combination tabs
Both the service and strength section of the report now contain a single tab instead of two. On this tab the user can now select as many combinations as they want to be summarized.
Fix load patterning issue.
Nu / Vu ratio inputs now updated to correctly show that they use Nu to Vu sustained.
Multiple bug fixes.
v4.7.1 -
Fix issue that could result in extra rows in tables
Added bearing capacity calculation to Quality Control checks and document
Fixed issue presented in v4.7.0 that resulted in bearing demand being incorrect
v4.7.0 -
Polygonal Sections can now import data from DWG files
New print options window
Nu / Vu ratio now properly applies to only sustained loads
New bearing option to use a user defined Cr value
Fix issue with flexure capacity not converging on a solution
Fix crashes in the polygon editor
Slender Spandrel method will now include Av minimum (from shear) in the calculation for the inner and outer requirements in the combined shear and torsion table
v4.6.3 -
Fixed isolated issue where old files would not open
v4.6.2 -
Program Changes
Strand ultimate strength now allows the user to type a value instead of select from 250 or 270
Graphs no longer plot points which the analysis ignored
Analysis Changes
Accounted for ACI 318-14 Errata for ACI Tube Torsion method (Updated in QC Manual)
Updated QC Manual for bending near ends of member to properly show what we do for
Zia Hsu at the ends of members.
Bug Fixes
Fix duplicate torsion errors for the ACI method
Fix issue with mild member deflections not computing in rare cases
v4.6.1 -
Bug Fixes
Fix issue resulting in the deflection calculation where wind loads would be ignored with both types were not present (pressure and suction)
v4.6.0 -
New Features
Added Metromont’s MetroDeck as a section type
Moved deflection summary to its own tab
Added option for upward deflection on deflection summary
Program Changes
Move composite dead load deflections further down in table
Fix chamfer errors where flanges are removed on double T sections
Relabeled torsion reaction on performance summary to Tx (from Mx)
Fix issue with Dap analysis not saving or (occasionally) being run
Allow strand pull to be a decimal input
Bug Fixes
Fix printing crash
Fix error where deflection failures were not changing progress bar to red
Fix error which resulted in reported reactions to be 0
v4.5.7 -
New Features
Mildly reinforced members now use effective moment of inertia for deflections instead of bilinear deflections.
Added warnings for reducing shear / torsion demand near support when we detect that it may be inappropriate to do so
Expanded section property tables in output
Added more options on computing shear capacity of composite sections
Program Changes
Default files now correctly set the date to the current date
Dash out flexure rows where capacity is not calculated
Distributed load grid split into area load and line load grid to help differentiate the loads for the reviewer.
Topping surface type changes to just intentionally roughened or smooth. If roughened, the program will check if reinforcement is required, if smooth minimum is always required.
Expanded help documentation on the website. Use Help → User manual or F1 to get to it.
Mechanically anchored reinforcement now instantly develops tension and compression.
Load bearing width for ledge design changed from 3 inches to 4 inches.
Prestress losses added to detailed flexure printout
Bug Fixes
Fix issue where composite members could get stuck in the analysis
Fix issue for the PCI Method of Horizontal Shear resulting in higher demand
Plain concrete strength now removed as an option as it was primarily used for sections with very low demand (which is handled differently now)
Fix issue resulting in lower than expected d values for shear. This was intermittent and only slightly conservative (<5% in d value)
Fix issue where load descriptions were being added to output incorrectly
v4.4.0 -
New Features
Length input can now use a - or a space as a delimiter between feet and inches.
Added input of the Nu/Vu ratio for bearing. This value can be used to set Cr to 1 if set to 0.
Added the design number to the project information on the design criteria tab
Project description now supports multiple lines. Just press enter to add a new line.
Now calculated P/A used for DT Stem Mesh. Results displayed below shear output on Strength summary
Added deflection option to use either midspan section properties or to vary by location.
Added self weight multiplier to vibrations analysis. Vibration analysis now only includes self weight and weight of participants for the total weight. Often time this weight should be higher, for those cases the self weight multiplier can be used.
Program Changes
Interface has been cleaned up in multiple areas for better readability.
Performance summary was reformatted. Since a loading summary exists now, the loads were removed and a summary of bearing was added in.
Default files were updated to contain new default settings.
When checking φMn to 1.2Mcr, the cracking moment will now longer user the corresponding dead load factor from the given load combination but will instead use a service load factor of 1.
Fixed issue for composite lightweight members where losses and deflections were using a slightly higher elastic modulus than expected
Handling tension limit changes
Any initial stage using transfer limits will now display and compute Astt
Tension exceeding the cracking stress will now display as a warning instead of an error
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where false horizontal shear errors were being thrown.
Fixed issue where upward live load deflections were not being shown on individual service combinations.
Fixed error where the program was using the Class U limit as the cracking stress limit and not the modulus of rupture.
1.2Mcr is now back in the flexure graphs.
Attempted fix for the reinforcement tab not refreshing when reinforcement was added.
New Documentation and Hand Calculations
New help pages on cracking moment, flexure capacity, double T stem mesh limit, and transformed section properties.
New hand calculations, posted on their corresponding help pages, for cracking moment, deflections and transformed section properties.
v4.3.3 -
Now use plain concrete shear strength ACI 318-14 as a minimum shear strength
Added option for mildly reinforced beams to limit the shear depth to 0.8h
Final fix for installer. v4.3.0 to v4.3.2 may not have installed correctly.
v4.3.2 -
Fix issue with bad installer
Attempted to fix reinforcement input not updating and requiring a restart
Can now select which loads get distributed for hollow core slabs
Fixes where phiMn would be displayed lower than anticipated
Printing issue fix
v4.3.1 -
Fix issue with bad installer
Fix isolated issue where plain concrete strength could not be computed
Graphical fixes for overlapping C bars
v4.3.0 -
Added detailed flexure capacity section of analysis report
Performance improvements
Added label to flexure table to indicate tension, compression, or transition controlled
Added service reactions to service summary
Fix error where Vu.Max and Tu,Max were being hidden from the Zia Hsu torsion table
Hide compute topping profile when no topping is present
v4.2.0 -
Fix error in last update not applying all changes
Added in tool to set topping profile
Mild development now checks ACI 318-14 and both.
Misc. UI bug fixes
Fix problem where false errors were being reported
Fix printing issues
v4.1.0 -
Polygonal Section Improvements
Easier to reorder points
Clean up polygon okay to make it more compatible with the analysis
Easier to paste vertices in
Bug fixes
Fix incorrect transverse reinforcement errors
Deflection multipliers now correctly only applied to the elastic analysis results
Can now add eccentricity to the member self weight
Analysis no longer crashes when self weight set to 0
Fix error causes strand to not develop correctly if debonded
v4.0.0 -
Concrete Extents
Added Bulb T Beam as Section Type
Added in bay width for effective topping width computation
Structural Model
Can now label loads
Can now insert transverse Reinforcement
Can be inserted as bars or use mesh sheets
Supports multiple bar shapes and end conditions
Design Criteria
Added input for transverse bar strength
Reorganized inputs for material properties
Simplified deflection options
Option on how to treat composite members for shear
Release now always includes self weight
Analysis Report
Added load summary to summarize all loading on the members
Redesigned all tables to support future options
Recreated shear and torsion tables to clarify output and to better facilitate inputting transverse reinforcement
New online documentation
Now accessing the help document will take you to our website
This will be updated based on all user questions and will continue to evolve over time
Deflection Changes
No longer use the effective moment of inertia method but the bilinear deflection method
Replaced effective section properties from service tables with cracked section properties
New method is described, with a hand calculation, in the help page
Shortening Calculation
Now compute shortening of the member due to prestress and flexure for erection
Can be seen in the deflection output
New method is described, with a hand calculation, in the help page
One-Way Shear Changes
Cleared up some labels on options
Can now include the topping in the concrete shear strength
Automatically adds the critical shear to the shear tables
v3.6.2 -
Torsion Bug Fixes
Program now appropriately includes the topping when calculating the horizontal shear area using the ACI method
Fixed labels on coordinate system in 3D model
v3.6.1 -
Torsion Bug Fixes
Slender Spandrel method is now accounting for bearing length
Previously the end region was measured from centerline of bearing, this was causing the transition region to start too soon
Zia Hsu Method now properly checks for plate bending near the ends and had a bug fixed in the Vc calculation
v3.6.0 -
Fixed bug introduced in v3.5 where the end of the strand was starting fully developed
Added flexure point moments
v3.5.0 -
Fse for transfer length now uses the lose computed at the center of the strand
'd' is now computed for sections where the reinforcement has no effective area (fully undeveloped)
Added options to ignore loading on cantilevers to assist in modeling simply supported members
Updated deflection calculations to properly use Eci for selfweight and prestress deflections per the PCI Design Handbook
Added fixity conditions to model fixed ends
Selected on the structural model tab
Can chose at what stage the member becomes fixed
v3.4.0 -
Transfer stress limits are now available for use for handling stages when member is not prestressed
Fixed issue where ‘Show Additional Checks’ was not available for printing options
At will not longer be reported being negative
Can now position reinforcement in topping
Fixed issue where shear and torsion table were not correctly reporting controlling values
All tables now in feet for position on the member
Remove custom strand size
v3.3.0 -
Hollow Core Slab Load Distribution
Added input on Structural model tab for load distribution of non-area loads for hollow core slabs
New Shear Tables
Added Av Required for Vcw and Vci for Double Ts
Redesigned layout of tables
User can now edit locations where analysis is performed
Interface can be accessed from File → Analysis Points
User can now edit locations where results are displayed
Interface can be accessed from File
Added option to ignore stresses in topping
Can now ignore topping stresses. Their values in in tables will be replace with a '-'
Fix pasting error in polygonal editor
Will no longer put ‘NaN’ in Y column when pasting data
v3.2.0 -
Added reactions to strength combination results
Fix error in sync data
Fix printing error causing ledge input to be shown
Fix for HCS not converging on flexure capacity
Fix bug in automatic topping thickness computation resulting in non-symmetric sections
v3.1.0 -
Add option to ignore certain distance of the ends of the beam when looking for controlling flexure section
Fix error in the 3D model
Fix some display issues
Fix bug which was causing the bottom stresses in the topping to be set equal to the top section of the precast